Virginia Cannabis Control Authority Urges Responsible Cannabis Use During Holiday Season

Tuesday, December 12th 2023

Sign Online Pledge to Not Drive High

Richmond, VA — During this festive season of holiday parties and gatherings with family and friends, the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority (CCA) is reminding Virginians to prioritize responsible cannabis use. The CCA encourages individuals to commit to not drive under the influence of cannabis and to plan for a sober ride by taking a new pledge on its website.

December marks National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The CCA is highlighting the importance of planning for a designated driver or using ride-share services when cannabis is part of the celebration. A 2022 survey conducted by the CCA revealed that 30% of Virginians believe those who consume marijuana are generally safer drivers, a belief that is unsupported by the facts. Fourteen percent of survey respondents admitted to having driven high a few times or more in the past year, and 47% stated that they don’t always plan for a sober ride after consuming cannabis.

"It's crucial for individuals to recognize that when you ‘feel different, you drive different,’" said Jeremy Preiss, Acting Head and Chief Officer of Regulatory, Policy, and External Affairs at the CCA. "The effects of cannabis can slow reaction time, alter decision making, impair coordination, and disrupt perception, all of which compromises road safety."

Driving under the influence of cannabis can also have severe legal consequences, including one year of jailtime and/or a fine of up to $2,500, a mandatory $250 fine, and the loss of a driver's license for one year.

"The CCA is committed to promoting safe and responsible cannabis use within our communities. Enjoy the holidays, but for everyone’s safety, please do not drive high," added Jeremy Preiss.

For more information on the effects of cannabis on driving and to take the pledge, please visit
